The Local Council for the Protection of Children (LCPC) Consortium successfully Formulated its 3-year Strategic Plan on March 11-13, 2024, at the Baguio Chalet Hotel.

The Localization and Institutionalization Division of the Council for the Welfare of Children spearheaded the activity attended by the member agencies, organizations, and development partners from the Department of the Interior and Local Government, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council, National Nutrition Council, National Council on Disability Affairs, League of Cities of the Philippines, ChildHope Asia Philippines, Educational Research and Development Assistance Foundation, Inc., Save the Children Philippines, UNICEF, Open Heart Foundation, Worldwide Inc., Plan International Pilipinas, World Vision Development Foundation, Inc., International Justice Mission, Laura VicuΓ±a Foundation, Inc., Unang Hakbang Foundation, Inc., Philippine Legislators’ Committee on Population and Development, and ABS-CBN Foundation.

At the end of the workshops, the LCPC Consortium collectively agreed on its Vision of Change: β€œFunctional and Responsive Local Council for the Protection of Children in all Local Government Units guarantee the promotion, protection, and realization of children’s rights” and formulated its 3-year Strategic plan, 2024-2026, to translate the vision to action, with clear outcomes, outputs, indicators, targets, program, projects, and activities to ensure that LCPC is functional and responsive at all levels.